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Trainer 1102.10: Research Proposal Writing.

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This course will help you learn how to Construct a research proposal that clearly outlines objectives, hypotheses (in the case of quantitative research), and research questions - for qualitative research, along with methodology, instruments, techniques and research, thinking about probable expected outcomes. Research & Project Implementation. Identify and address potential challenges in research proposal development. Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course You should be able; To understand the structure of a research proposal. To be able to formulate clear and concise research objectives. To learn how to develop well-defined problem statements and hypotheses. To be able to identify research gaps in existing literature. To learn how to develop a robust methodology section. To be able to prepare a budget for a research proposal. To understand how to address ethical considerations in research proposals. To be able to customize proposals for various funding bodies. To learn how to submit a research proposal for peer review.

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