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So, What does a healthy life style refer to?

Victoria Wanyana Ntege,Memuna Mohammad

Uganda. 15-Dec-2024

Source:iStock photos and pictures.


A health life style could simply means living a life that is careful so as you prevent your self from getting communicable diseases and increase your life expectancy. This article defines a health life style and want you need to do to maintain a healthy body.


Healthy life style can be defined as a way of life that involves personal choices and decisions so that a person can be free from preventable communicable diseases like Diabetes, coronary artery diseases and obesity among others. Slance and Cheprason, ( April 2023 ) define a healthy life style as " a collection of behaviors that promote well-being, reduce disease prevalence and increases life expectancy. "


Inorder to live healthy, you need to eat a balanced diet as recommended by the World Health Organization that includes vegetables, like Spinach, cabbages, carrots; , Proteins like an egg for a day, Carbohydrates like Brown rice and Vitamins which are mainly found in most fruits. It is recommended that if possible a person can have five fruit servings in a single day. Dairy foods like milk, your gut are very good for calcium and also provide proteins that help to build up the body.


It is true that stressors in life are so many but if not properly managed they can lead to long term illness among which include Diabetes and hypertension and so stress management has to be very key in living a health life. One way of managing stress is going out with your family members or visiting relatives . This helps a person not to over think and makes him to forget all his stressors and put on a smile.


This means water in take of drinking healthy drinks like fresh fruit juices. It is recommended by World Health Organization that a health body should atleast be given 8, glasses of drinking water in a day. Drinking water helps to get the body health by flashing out some toxins that may have grown and caused so many health issues. Fresh fruit juices are a good source of energy to the body and they help to keep the body strong to perform day to day activities of living. In addition these juices are loaded with Vitamins like vitamin C that helps to keep the immune system boosted and so keep diseases a way from the body.


The body needs some time to sweat so that it eliminates wastes from the it. At least 30 minutes of jogging or walking or running are enough to keep the blood flow and maintain a normal body weight. This helps to prevent obesity and cardiovascular diseases.


A healthy person needs to sleep for at least 8 hours a night everyday. This helps the body to perform their duties and regenerate appropriately so that they provide the body with adequate energy for a day. People that have poor sleeping patterns during early years are likely to suffer from hypertension when they clock their 50.s


A healthy Life style, A longer life. We all need to be mindful of our health and try to live healthy life styles as this keeps a way so many diseases from us.


1. Knight, C. ( 2021). A Guide to a Healthy Life Style. News Medical & Life Sciences Channel.>A guidetolivingahealthylifestyle. 2. Williams. ( 2024). Living a Healthy Life Style Student Health and Wellness.>livingahealthylifestylestudenthealthandwellness. Slance, K. & Cheprasov, A. (2023). Healthy Life Style. An Overview. Study com. www.https.//study com.

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